Genealogy Forum Quick Start


1. SEARCH THE FORUM - The fastest way to begin finding your roots on is to click the blue underlined text for the Genealogy Forum, then scroll down to the words Search this Site. Then type in the surname you are looking for. You can also go directly to the search page at This way, you can quickly find out if someone else has already done research on your family name and shared it with (If not, we look forward to hearing from you!) :D

2. SURNAME MESSAGE BOARDS - Next, check the Surname Message Boards. Read messages posted by others as well as leave messages about the family names you seek. The Message boards can be found on the main screen of, and you can reach the Surname Message Boards by clicking the hyperlinks shown below:

3. FILE LIBRARY CENTER - Others may have uploaded GEDCOM (data) files, census or other indexes which would help with your ancestral quest. To see what they've done, check out the File Libraries Center. It is also found on the main screen of the Genealogy Forum.

4. SPECIAL CENTERS PROVIDE ADDITIONAL RESOURCES - You'll want to explore the other areas of the Genealogy Forum which have been specially designed to:

  • expand your knowledge of how to do research
  • indicate where to go to find clues in indexes, original documents, etc.
  • assist you in the preservation and organization of genealogy materials
  • discuss choosing an appropriate genealogy management program

Your family tree may not be readily available and you might need to do a little research to uncover your roots. Don't despair! That's why we're here!

Our past periodicals include:

With tens of thousands of forum members, is literally the largest genealogy society in the world. We're pleased that our enthusiastic members contribute to the message boards and files libraries daily.

The bottom line is, you are bound to find something new every day in!

NOTE: Be sure to ADD TO FAVORITE PLACES any article or part of the forum which interests you, so you can find it again easily when you return. To do this using America Online, click the HEART-shaped icon in the upper left portion of that window, and follow the prompt to add. Using Internet Explorer, click on FAVORITES on your toolbar and then ADD TO FAVORITES. To LOCATE the place next time you sign on, merely click on the FAVORITE PLACES FOLDER on your AOL button bar, and scroll through the list to select the desired option. Using Internet Explorer, click on FAVORITES on your toolbar and then scroll through the list to select it.

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